(TriceEdneyWire.com) - One of the most valuable contributions of the 2024 Annual Legislative Conference hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) is providing an opportunity for several thousand Black folks from the United States of North America, South America, Africa, Europe and Asia, to meet, talk, listen and sometimes debate about issues that affect our lives.
A subject that was frequently talked about was the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election in which a woman of African descent was believed by many to possibly be this country’s first woman president. When my basic position was asked about that subject, I stated that I will be voting against Donald Trump. It’s important to remember that he is not new on the American political scene. White males like Donald Trump, who is supported by overt and covert White supremacists and colored people of African descent, have been running this country since it was officially launched in 1776.
One of the most well attended forums was one of which a Black historian delivered a serious speech about the real history of this country, a history that is not taught in most American junior high schools, high schools, colleges and universities. For example, one of the most important facts of American history was the heroic role that Black soldiers played in the winning of the Civil War. Yet, this story is rarely told.
It is extremely important that we know this history because our opponents seemingly believe that they can mess with us and not worry about a serious response. That’s why it is so important for CBCF and other Black organizations that they host conferences that include forums on culture, education, economics, politics, technology, psychology, communications and Pan Africanism. On the last day of the conference each attendee should be given a listing of concrete suggestions on what we must do as a people to promote and protect our interests.
To more effectively promote and protect our interests in the above listed arenas, the attendees should also be encouraged to read, study and act on guidance from master teachers such as Brothers and Sisters Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Lerone Bennett, Jr., Marcus Garvey, Mary McCloud Bethune, Fannie Lou Hamer, C. Delores Tucker and others who have left us with vital information about what we must do if we are going to provide better lives for our children, grandchildren and future generations.