Oct. 11, 2016

Clinton Leads by 11 Points After Lewd Statements By Trump
 African-American Get-Out-to-Vote Leaders Still Taking No Chances
 By Hazel Trice Edney

clinton-trump second debate 

(TriceEdneyWire.com) - Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton is now leading her Republican opponent Donald Trump by 11 points, according to a national Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll this week.

On Monday, she was leading Trump 46 percent to 35 percent with the remaining portion divided between Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson with 9 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein with 2 percent.

Clinton doubled her lead from the previous week after the release of video and audio tapes of Trump having a vulgar conversation in which he implied that sexual assault of women is okay when you’re a celebrity. The conversation was between Trump and then Access Hollywood host Billy Bush as they arrived on a bus for a Trump appearance on the soap opera, Days of Our Lives.

Trump was on a hot mic, which has come back to haunt him. The 11-year-old recording from 2005 dominated the airwaves over the weekend and continued into this week.

During the town hall-styled debate at Washington University in St. Louis on Sunday, Trump apologized for the language he used but tried to down play the conversation as “locker room talk.” Trump has become known for outlandish statements, insults and bullying. But, this one reached a tipping point.

Despite his stated apology for the vulgarity and sexism, the language was so extreme that Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan and senior Arizona Sen. John McCain, have withdrawn their support of Trump. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus says the Party still supports its nominee. But dozens of other Republican representatives have also withdrawn their endorsements and condemned the lewd statements.

Some political scientists predict that the sudden slide in the polls is Trump’s undoing in the Nov. 8th election. However Clinton has had issues of her own. A month ago, she apologized for having said half of Trump’s supporters are a “basket of deplorables”. She explained that she meant that many of them are racist, sexist and xenophobic. But, she apologized for having painted with a broad brush.

Trump has also tried to fight back by pointing to indescretions by former President Bill Clinton. He invited three women to the debate who have accused Clinton of sexual indecency with them. One accused Bill Clinton of rape. The women said the First Lady Hillary Clinton bullied them. But these accusations were played out in the mid to late 1990s while Clinton was president. Therefore, Trump's attempt appeared to fall flat.

Political scientist and talk show host Dr. Wilmer Leon says despite Trump’s spiral, nothing can be taken for granted.

“Under normal circumstances, I would say it’s over and it’s been over, but these aren’t normal circumstances,” said Leon. First, he said, because Clinton “keeps finding ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. And also I believe there are still so many people – especially in mainstream media – who are trying to salvage Donald Trump saying, ‘If he just does one thing right he could hit the reset button.’”

The next and final Clinton-Trump debate takes place Wednesday, Oct. 19 at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. The Moderator will be Fox News Sunday Anchor Chris Wallace. The format will be the same as the first debate.

The outcome of the election is also contingent upon which candidate can get their supporters to the polls on Nov. 8. Voter registration, education, and African-American get-out-to-vote campaigns are at full blast around the nation. Despite Trump’s direct appeal to the Black community, Clinton still maintains at least 90 percent of the Black vote in the polls.

Leon concludes, “I don’t think it’s over until the 9th of November” - the day after the election.