Oct. 17, 2013

Pres. Obama Signs Bill, Reopens Government
By Frederick H. Lowe


Special to the Trice Edney News Wire from TheNorthStarNews.com

(TriceEdneyWire.com) - President Barack Obama signed congressional legislation early Thursday morning to reopen the federal government, which had been closed for 16 days.

Sylvia Mathews Burell, director of the Office of Management and Budget, said federal employees could return to work today.

The legislation, which the president signed after midnight, also reopened federal parks and monuments.

President Obama signed the legislation, which funded government operations, after it passed both houses of Congress. He said he would act quickly.

"Once this agreement arrives at my desk, I will sign it immediately," he said in a statement. "We 'll begin reopening our government immediately, and we can begin to lift this cloud of uncertainty from our businesses and from the American people." (see today's video)

The U.S. Senate voted 81 to 18 Wednesday night to reopen the federal government and to raise the nation's borrowing limit. The House followed the Senate, voting 285 to 144.

The Senate bill will fund the government through Jan. 15, 2014, and it will extend the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling through February 7, 2014.

Observers praised the president for his tough stand against Republicans.

"Credit for this victory belongs entirely to President Obama," wrote Chris Bowers, senior campaign director for the Daily Kos, a newspaper. "Two years ago he vowed never again negotiate with Republicans over the debt limit, and his refusal to negotiate is why we have emerged victorious."

The legislation does affect the Affordable Care Act, which Republican/Tea Party members shutdown the government to defund. The legislation puts tighter restrictions on income-verification standards for individuals receiving subsidies in the Affordable Care Act's new insurance marketplaces.